Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting Assertive With Kronos

This has been one of those weeks where "time to write" has been a real challenge.

Part one of the problem is "writer's dejection." I've been fighting off feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that's going to be required to get the novel in shape. But I can handle it: one bite at a time; concentrate on this problem, get it fixed, then move on to the next. But it's hard. There are moments when I want to throw my hands in the air and surrender. But I'm not.

Then there's the "bummer factor" (more writer's dejection). Since this project is taking longer, it pushes my other projects (several short stories in various stages of writing and editing). Making me feel more "behind" and overwhelmed. But I just keep repeating to myself: so what? Those projects aren't going anywhere. They'll be patiently waiting for me when I get done with this one.

And then add into that:

Sewing alterations on my daughter's first chef coat (I want to do this for her because she's so excited about it; she feels like a real chef now--and as writers, I think we can all relate on how feeling "real" at your career is very important);

My mother has cancer again, and we've been going through tons of appointments and waiting for phone calls (status updates) for her appointments out-of-town;

Being there for a friend whose mother has also been diagnosed with lung cancer, and sharing my mother's experiences with him;

And the usual day-to-day stuff . . . amongst it all, we still have to eat, go to school, wear clean clothes, etc.

And here's the thing: it's always going to be this way. Life is always going to get in the way of writing, no matter what. Life is never going to hand you a year/month/week with a built-in writing block. You're going to have to yank that block of time off the calendar for yourself.

That's the biggest difference between my writing life now and my writing life a few years ago (when I gave up for a while). I now make writing a priority and take it when I can get it. Sometimes that means that I'm staying up late and writing at 10 or 11 p.m. (when my optimal writing time is 9 am to noon). And occasionally, VERY occasionally, there's nothing I can do and the day wins and I don't get to write at all. But those times are rare. Most of the time, I write every day--because I don't wait for time to write, I make the time to write.

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