Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wacky Wednesday, Mar. 16th

Maybe he thought he was calling the concierge: "This is the worst hotel I've ever stayed at!"
Jailed Man Calls 911 with Gripe

Edward Cullen he's not.
Arizona Man Gets Probation in Blood-Sucking Case

Maybe they should pick up Timex as a sponsor
2012 London Games Countdown Clock Stops

Sounds like the title of an off-off-Broadway show.
Excuse Me Ma'am. Is That a Monkey in Your Bra?

And winner of the Best Article Title . . . Ever . . . award:
Chinese Man Gets an Anus After 55 Years
Makes the Lion's courage and the Tin Man's Heart quests seem like a cakewalk.

If Super Mario Bros was adapted into a live-action indie drama

Irony Bear

I had to download this one in order to read it, but you can probably read it online if you've got good eyes. Or you can just bookmark it and read it later.
Procrastination Flowchart

Coloring Books for Grownups

A quote from @5tevenw
Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.
(I think this is especially important for writers; in our line of work, we run into a lot of ass . . .  I mean, nay-sayers and doubters)


  1. I love the adult coloring books! There's nothing like zoning out with some colored pencils or crayons (still have tons of those from my kids).

  2. I don't get to color as much as I'd like . . . there's just something incredibly relaxing about it.

    Dover coloring books has some great ones ( We still have some leftover from homeschooling. I'm not throwing them out until I've colored them all! ;)

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